Tugzy's Travels

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Monday, July 16, 2012

First Week Roundup

So after one week it's time to take stock of where I am and what's been going on. From the list of goals I set myself on the first day here, this is what's gone down:

I only handed out forty-nine resumes, fucking useless piece of shit failure that I am, although I do have a job now. (well... I don't know when my shifts are yet, but let's be nice and presumptuous and say yep, job sorted) I'm still looking into maybe getting another job during the day time at some cafe or equally menial place to make dem papes mad longer, na'im'sain... for now though, a few shift at week at Yah Yah's (oh god cross those fingers) would be fucken' chipper.

Last week I had a five minute spot at Station 59 on their Wednesday open mic night... I'm sure I've already said enough about that but on the comedy front on the whole, I guess things have been going pretty well. I realised, pretty much as soon as I got here, that I am at a stage with comedy where I need to really think about taking it seriously. There are SO MANY people in this city trying to do the exact same thing as me and from what I can tell plenty of them are funny as hell and they are all willing to put in the hard work to make their acts work. What I need to do now, I've been thinking, is start coming up with ideas for bits every day, and writing them down, in full, word for word, and then recording myself saying each one into my phone. Since I don't have my own room and am not really keen to be seen ranting to myself by the general public or room-mates, I'll be doing this from the safety of secluded park benches and empty coffee shops around mid-afternoon. After I record each bit I can listen to it over and over again, hear what's good about it (or what isn't) and either change it and tweak it enough so that it is funny, or can it so that I don't waste valuable stage time telling bits that just aren't going to work. The feeling that I'm starting to have is that stage time is going to be fucking rare like dogs in Chinatown... that was a terrible simile, sorry, I got lazy, and the departure of the Asians that infested my living quarters with their shitty manners and ridiculous amount of boxes and assorted crap have left a sour taste. Y'all just got a bit of the dark side there.

In my first week here I have met a fair few cool people, from Aaron the Queensland drifter, to Aaron the surly Pom: there's Myrthe the mental Dutch chick who tried unsuccessfully to slap me in the face with a two-foot dildo on Sunday night when I was out of my mind on mushrooms. Leon, the Melbourne local who came down to stay in the hostel for the weekend because it was cheaper than paying the cab fares back to his place three or four nights in a row – he gave me the mushrooms on Sunday night and also gave them to a group of guys from Townsville who stormed through our hostel on a tuxedo bender and flew out of town like drunken horsemen after the apocalypse. The strange Asian lady who stalks the passages and stairwells of the hostel at night is growing more and more deranged by the day as her cruel instincts struggle to escape the quiet, pottering exterior she has managed to erect in their place. Nobody likes her; the turning point for me was when she burst into the TV room while I was watching Just For Laughs the other night and changed the channel, stating in a fed up tone, “no no no, I don't like this... these jokes... no no”. Fuck you lady, that time when you insisted I hold my hand out so you could pour steaming hot casserole into it, the time when I heard you talking to yourself at the kitchen table, the time when you asked every single person in the building whether they could fix your laptop for you... everything clicked into focus at that moment. The patter became clear. Crazy Asian lady, you so crazy... way too crazy for me.

So now for Centrelink... wellity wellity wellity... I just got off of the phone with an unexpectedly lovely gentleman from the Centrelink office with whom I discussed my claiming options. Apparently because I moved to Melbourne by 'choice' (as in I didn't meet the required ten abusive episodes per childhood year to be considered independent 'by necessity') I may not be eligible for government assistance until I'm twenty-two. I'll still be going to an appointment at their office next Wednesday and telling them that actually NO, I didn't move here because I just wanted to get out of the house and go see a few shows, I moved here because there was no fucking work in Adelaide, and I don't want to sit in my parents' house all day every day smoking bongs and pretending I'm having a really hard time doing uni work that frankly is NOT THAT HARD TO DO... when I can escape that free ride and actually get out into the world to find challenges where before there was only filled time.

It really perplexes me that a person under the age of twenty-two can be working a full time job for eighteen months and then be considered 'independent' and thus eligible for Youth Allowance, and yet I, having been a full time student for two and a half years (with a six month break) am NOT eligible. But the person that has been working – earning an income – for eighteen months, has already proven that they can live by their own means simply by the fact that THEY HAD TO WAIT EIGHTEEN MONTHS TO BE ABLE TO CLAIM... whereas the student is still considered to have a full time job by other government standards, but gets no income from this job, and yet they are still not eligible for government assistance. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I know there's a bit of upper-middle class privilege whining in there that should be weeded out – maybe I need a smart slap in the face and a good shake-down by a couple of hairy, downtrodden street-urchins to remind me that life really isn't that fucking tough when you come from the right side of the tracks. But regardless of my white-boy upbringing, the double standard that I have just pointed out remains very real, and glaringly fucking stupid.

Oh well, that's week one down. I'm pretty damn happy with that summary, all in all it's been a good week, and if I can just get this half-sure job situation under hand I'll be singing in the fucking rain over here in Melbourne. I think I've earned the mountain of free drink that I'm going to consume tonight at the Peter Stuyvesant party, and I plan on stealing a lot of free cigarettes for reselling. Puff puff pass motherfucker.

Peace, Taco.

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