Tugzy's Travels

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Just Realized I Haven't Eaten Chicken in Two Weeks

This week has been a good week. I've been to comedy shows four nights in a row, and tonight at Monastery will make it five, and played five minute spots on two of those nights. (last night was my second impromptu showing at Station 59 that has ended up in me getting some stage time) I've written a whole bunch of new stuff – including a phenomenal joke about the word 'ejaculate' that I seriously cannot keep to myself. I've been pretty damn careful with money, and the only money I have spent was $70 on a new pair of pants for work that I had taken up and refitted... so basically I look fly as a mo'fukka there. Add to that the fact that Monday night was just feqking awesome in itself, and last night me, Myrthe and Big Aaron stayed up til 2:30am chilling and talking shit about people in the hostel... and this week is travelling along pretty nicely.

On Monday I'm going to Sydney to meet up with Melanie for a few days – still pretty unsure about how that's going to go but we'll see I guess. When I get back from that I should (fingers crossed, I hope I haven't jinxed this shit already) have two jobs and be ready to start looking for a place so that I can send out the conch signal and get Jaybone, and possibly Tgoog over here to join. I'll need to suss out one of those prepaid internet sticks for my comp – or a plan from Vodafone that includes unlimited net access – and I'll have to start doing some leg work during days to make that house shit happen. Money is starting to be a worry in my mind, although I know I'll be ok if I end up with two jobs... that's the final piece of the puzzle that is yet to fall into place over here and I'm waiting for the day that it does so that I can stop stressing about cash so much and start building everything else that makes life yummy up from street level.

I think my goal for myself in the coming months – let's make it until the end of November – will be to go to four (four ideally, but at least three) comedy nights a week. That'll go a long way towards getting my face out there and keeping my name in people's heads. I've been meeting a few comedians from around the place as well which is always cool and as much as a place like Spleen is really tough to break into, there are plenty of other places where comedians can meet other people at their level and talk about jokes and gigs and whatnot... the scene is not nearly as ruthless as I feared it might be before I got here. On spleen; some people say it's cliquey, but I be pretty hesitant to use that word, it's more like the guys that run it are so used to amateur comedians introducing themselves and asking for spots that they have appear dismissive and bored with us because... well basically because they get hassled by the same kind of people every Monday night. I'm sure if they saw an amateur at another night and liked his or her set they'd get in contact with them themselves and try to book them... but then again that may just be naïve, wishful thinking.

But anyway, after two weeks, things are still cruising along pretty smoothly... the next two are going to be tough for a few reasons that I am clearly avoiding here, but will probably, knowing me, analyse and speak about at length with the power of hindsight. I can't wait. The storm is already here though, and god damn it, I'm in Melbourne motherfuckers.

Ok, my joke about the word ejaculate that I can't keep to myself... as Mitch Hedberg said, “I can't rob you of this one”:
I want to write, produce, direct, and, if possible, star in a buddy cop movie where the protagonist's name is Jack, just so that at some point in the movie – I do not care when – he can rush in to the station and the angry, black sergeant can yell, “EY JACK, YOU LATE!”

Oh yes.

Peace, Taco.

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