Tugzy's Travels

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Nothing Much

Ok so I know I haven't written in a week an a half or some shit but it's sweet, I'm here now, and I'm ready to open up my heart. Cue music – let's go.

I went to Sydney last week for a few days and besides breaking the bank and still owing French Girl some one-hundred noo-naahs I had a pretty chill time – almost better than the last time I visited Sydney, although not as good a story to tell around a table of drunks which is generally my final measure of how good an experience something was. We went on a tour of the Blue Mountains, ate lots of sushi, and fought bitterly in the way that exes trying to give friendship a crack are inevitably wont to do. All around though, I had a nice time.

Other than that I've been thinking about becoming a walking tour guide in Melbourne and am meeting the dude that's going to be sorting that out on Friday to get a script and learn the tour etc. etc. so that should be a chuckle... and I did my Victorian RSA yesterday so I can work behind the bar at Yah Yah's and hopefully pick up a few more shifts and whatever.

I really don't feel in the mood to crank out something very interesting right now which sort of sucks because I haven't written since before Sydney and so much interesting shit has happened... but maybe I need to wait until I tie up one more little knot out here in the real world before I can start changing the record on here and writing about what's actually on my mind right now. I think I'm just going to wait until it's a little bit easier, a little further down the track.

I've been writing a whole bunch of comedy though, and last night I had some mushrooms and came back to the hostel and wrote a WHOOOOLE bunch of what was, at the time, A-grade Material. I'll be trying it out at the Comic's Lounge workshop tonight so we'll see how good it really is but I've re-read it and it does look rather intriguing. It wasn't just he psilocybin.

Peace, Taco.

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